Common causes, symptoms and treatment of stomach cancer
There are many different kinds of cancers that can affect the body, and it is one of the top fatal...
6 common ways to reduce stomach gas pain
Several gas-producing foods are a common source of discomfort and unease for many. While these cause bloating and indigestion in...
6 most popular stomach gas pain remedies
Stomach gas is a common symptom that is caused primarily by the type of food we eat. While some food...
Best treatments for a stomach flu
Stomach flu is a viral infection affecting the intestines and the stomach. The more appropriate medical term is gastroenteritis and...
5 diet tips to follow when you have gastritis
Often mistaken for indigestion, gastritis is a more serious version of stomach disorder. Although the symptoms of gastritis are similar...
What to do when you have the stomach flu
What is stomach flu? Stomach flu or viral gastroenteritis is a highly contagious medical condition and its symptoms are watery diarrhea,...
Constipation and its causes
Constipation is a condition of the digestive system due to which an individual faces difficulty in bowel movements. It generally...
Causes and signs of stomach ulcer
Stomach ulcers are also known as gastric ulcers. The sores in the stomach lining cause the pain. This ulcer comes...
Constipation: What you need to know about its causes and precautions
Constipation is a common digestive issue which causes a difficulty in bowel movements. If you are only capable of less than...
Home remedies to relieve gas and reduce bloating
A bloating stomach is something all of us face at some point in our lives. Studies show that an average...