5 yummy yogurt smoothies to have on-the-go
Smoothies have come to replace breakfast for a lot of people. The reason is pretty simple, morning is the busiest...
A Moscow Mule recipe in 5 easy steps
Moscow Mule with its signature copper mug has an interesting story. In 1939, the owner of The Cock ˜N' Bull...
Keep your gut healthy with probiotic beverages
The very idea of a probiotic drink may draw a rather unappetizing picture of micro-organisms wiggling around in the translucent liquid....
Say yes to the healthiest drinks of all time!
Eating healthy has become one of the topmost priorities in everyone's lives. When you are subjected to a sedentary lifestyle...
Add a spin to your classic Moscow mule
Unlike cocktails such as margaritas and mojitos, which are quite popular, Moscow mule does not figure in most people's favored...
3 delectable twists to make your iced coffee delightful
Flavored iced coffee is one of the best pick-me-up beverages. They taste like delicious desserts and go down smoothly as...
Six popular martinis to keep an eye out for!
A martini became a style statement when Mr. James Bond said he liked his Martini œshaken, not stirred. This definitely...
Where did iced coffee come from?
Who does not love the idea of sipping a quick iced coffee? Well, the mention of the name itself is...
A guide to make the perfect martini!
You have a house party and a lot of friends and relatives are coming over. You are done with the food...
Smoothies for a healthier you
Low-fat cooking is a culinary niche that hits many targets at once. Not only is this a great way for...